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Oct 20, 1997 - 17:26 -

I have a question:
What is barmitsfa? What are the types of foods that Jedwish people eat, and what foods do they not eat? What are some of the religious experinces as well as phenomenological methods in the Jewish Practice?

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Bar Mitzvah (literally, "son of commandment" but best understood as "man of duty") is an adult male Jew under Jewish Law. Under ordinary circumstances, the age of legal majority is 13. The term Bar Mitzvah is colloquially used to refer to the celebration of the attainment of legal majority, during which the young man publicly performs some of the commandments newly incumbent upon him, and the whole community celebrates with the family. Since the 14th century, the form of the celebration has been that the Bar Mitzvah leads a portion of his community's statutory worship as the agent of the community before God, and/or is called up for Torah Reading. He may also give a discourse to display learning. This is followed by a festive meal.

There are many practical guidebooks for keeping kosher, available in Jewish bookstores. What follows is only the gist of it, and should not be relied upon for any practical decision concerning the status of a particular dish.

Jews eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, permitted species of fish (nearly any fish that has both fins and scales), certain permitted species of animal (when slaughtered in the special manner prescribed by tradition) all of which have a split hoof and chew their cud, certain permitted species of birds (none of which are carnivores), milk from the permitted animals, and eggs from the permitted species of fish and birds. In addition, meat and poultry (or their by-products) may not be mixed with milk (or its by-products) --- not even in the stomach over time! Jews wait a considerable time before switching --- and separate utensils, dishes, and facilities are used for these two classes of food. Also, meat and fish are not eaten simultaneously on one plate. There are numerous other laws relating to food, particularly bread and wine.